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You may also book through our MuhammadiyahSG app from the App Store or Play Store. To download, scan QR code below or click here.

Sila baca keterangan penting di bawah
Anda tidak dibenarkan masuk sekiranya:
– Tidak membawa sejadah sendiri
– Tidak memakai pelitup muka
– Tidak mempunyai SMS pengesahan (tidak mendaftar)
– Tidak sihat (batuk, selsema, demam > 37.5C)
– Jika pintu masuk sudah ditutup
Pintu masuk akan dibuka dari jam 12.30 tgh hingga azan Zuhur.
TRACETOGETHER (app atau token) diperlukan untuk ‘check-in’ ke Pusat.
Please read the following:
- Booking window will be opened from Wednesday 12pm to Thursday 6pm.
- All congregants are required to bring their own praying mat (sejadah), face mask and confirmation message (SMS).
- Our gate will be opened for entry from 12.30pm until the Zuhur azan.
- For motorists and drivers, kindly ensure your parked vehicles do not cause any traffic obstruction. Do not park in front of the neighbouring houses.
- TRACETOGETHER (app or token) is required for check-in into our premises.